Monkey and Two Cats Moral Story

English Moral Stories For Kids Monkey and Two Cats

Once there were two cats’ katty and kitty. There were good friends. They shared whatever eatables they got.

Once, they remained hungry of several days. They wandered here and there and everywhere in search of food.
Suddenly, they a loaf of bread. Both leapt over it simultaneously. As they had been hungry for several days, both put their claim over it.

Katty said to kitty let us divide the bread equally.

Kitty agreed. Holding the bread between their fore paws, they broke it into two parts.
Just as katty was going to take a bite, kitty said, your piece is bigger than mine!” soon they started quarrelling.

Monkey and Two Cats

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Kids Moral Story In English Monkey and Two Cats

A monkey sitting nearby a tree had seen and heard everything. He slowly came down the tree. Approaching the cats, he said, what is a matter, my dear friends?”

The two cats told everything. Requesting the monkey to settle the matter, they asked to be the judge. The monkey sat down next them, saying,

huh! I can see that both the pieces of bread are not equal.

But don’t worry friends, I help you, saying so, the monkey picked up both pieces and looked at them carefully. Then, turning to katty” share he said this is a little bigger than the other one but I will make it equally.

Smiling to himself he took a big bite out of katty’s piece. Holding up both piece and looking at kitty share the monkey said this this one has

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become a just a little bigger. But I make it equally to the one.

In this way monkey kept eating both pieces little by little.

Seeing these cats slowly realized that the monkey had tricked them by eating both these pieces. They decided to save what was left of the bread.

They said to the monkey sir both the pieces are almost equal thank you please give them to us.

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Monkey and Two Cats

The monkey said smilingly these bites are my wages. Saying this he ate theme too. After the monkey had finished eating he said well ladies the matter is settled. I hope you are happy.

As he walked away both the cats looked at each other angrily. But what could they do now? They themselves had asked the monkey to be their judge!

Both the cats realized that a quarrel between the two is a again for the third.

Monkey and Two Cats Moral Of the Story:

When you quarrel someone else gains.
When two people fight the third one always gets the profit.
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Monkey and Two Cats Moral People also ask FAQ:

What is the moral of two cats and a monkey story?
Two Fighting Cats And A Monkey Story Morals:

“When two people fight the third one always gets the profit.”

What happened between the monkey and the cats?

The two cats told everything. Requesting the monkey to settle the matter, they asked to be the judge.

Why did the two Cats quarrel with each other?

katty was going to take a bite, kitty said, your piece is bigger than mine!” soon they started quarrelling.

How did the monkey divide the bread between cats?

Monkey had a scale. He divided the bread in two unequal parts and put them on pans of scale. He ate a large amount of bread to make it equal and keep on doing so. At the end he ate full bread and the cats did not get anything except regret.


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