The Three Little Pigs Short Story

Three Little Pigs Short Story Summary

“The Three Little Pigs short story summary” is a fairy tale about three pigs who leave their mother to build their own houses. The first pig builds a house made of straw, the second pig builds a house made of sticks, and the third pig builds a house made of bricks. A big bad wolf comes along and blows down the house made of straw, eats the pig, and goes after the pig in the stick house, but fails to eat him too. He then tries to blow down the brick house but he can’t, so he tricks the pigs by pretending to be a friendly visitor, but the clever pigs saw through his disguise and do not let him in. Eventually, the wolf gets roast by a passing hunter.

The Three Little Pigs Short Story SummaryThe Three Little Pigs Short Story Summary

The Three Little Pigs Short story

Three Little Pigs Short Story Moral

The moral of the story is that hard work and preparation can protect you from danger. The first two pigs were lazy and didn’t take the time to build a sturdy house, which is why they were easily taken by the wolf. The third pig, who put in the effort to build a strong brick house, was able to outsmart the wolf and keep himself safe. This story teaches children about the importance of planning ahead and being diligent in the face of danger.

  1. Hard work is the key to success.
  2. Never wait for a good time to do good jobs.
  3. Figure out how to perceive your great and fiendishness.
  4. Good result take a lot of effort and hard work.

The Three Little Pigs short story summary



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